CEO Clubs’ First Cigar Night at Fairmont Hotel, Dubai

ceo clubs cigar night

CEO Clubs’ first Cigar Night was held at the Cigar Bar, Fairmont Hotel on April 25th. It delighted its esteemed members and VIP guests with its highly anticipated inaugural cigar night of the year. Attended by over 30 elite individuals, the event provided exceptional hospitality. It offered a serene backdrop for unwinding after a day of corporate pursuits.

The evening epitomized the ethos of networking and collaboration that defines CEO Clubs. It drew notable attendees from esteemed organizations. These are Emirates Neon Group, GoBazzar, Seaside Holding, Matu International, Immersion4, Al Vakil Group, and distinguished diplomatic figures, including Mr. Henry Zvikaramba, Minister Counsellor of Zimbabwe.

Dr. Tariq Nizami, the visionary Founder of CEO Clubs Network, underscored the significance of such gatherings. He emphasized, “CEO Clubs offers a dynamic platform where leaders convene not only to advance professional endeavors but also to cultivate meaningful connections amidst our hectic schedules. The energy and camaraderie among our members are truly inspiring.”

Attendees immersed themselves in deep discussions, and shared experiences. They characterized the ambiance of the evening with laughter, engaging conversations, and genuine camaraderie. Such was the allure of the event that many found themselves lingering well into the night. Attendees were reluctant to part ways from the enriching atmosphere of fellowship.


About Author

CEO Clubs Network is an award-winning, membership-based international organization with members from various industries and chapters across the globe. We focus on connecting C-level executives, business owners, and government officials and enabling them to share experiences, explore business collaboration opportunities and build business relationships. Our proven track record of innovative CEO Clubs' Events and 16 years of member engagement programs have made us a trusted business network and a driving force for global business connections.